A week's log book
Monday July 26th
Had my first resting day in many weeks at a B&B in Eminence. I finally managed to get some time to read a couple of articles for work + I planned parts of a course that'll start just a week after me returning to Sweden. I kind of miss working. I need to write that here, in case I forget later this fall (I might) :-)
Tuesday July 27:th
Got a late start due to nice company at breakfast, and I didn't cycle very far this day. After less than 30 miles I arrived in Ellington where I saw a sign saying "EU bicyclists Willkommen" and I thought, I am from an EU country and I am a bicyclist so I called and got directions to Herman the German, a man with strong religious beliefs and ideas which he gladly shared with me. I had a shower, a bacon omelet that actually was really good (actually since I was the one making it), and got to use a computer too and then I got to bed really early.
Wednesday July 28:th
Got going before 6 am and had a great day. Cycled 65+ miles to Farmington, where I spent the night in a bicyclist's hostel that used to be a jail. VERY nice place, beautifully decorated. I had just had a shower and done my laundry when another bicyclist came in. We went for a pizza later and did some grocery shopping. It was really nice to have some company. I don't regret going solo on this trip (not that there ever was much choice), but some days can certainly feel lonesome.
Thursday July 29:th
I left Farmington around eight, which is OK, but since I missed a turn and went 10 miles south rather than east (hitchhiked back) I had to do a little bit more cycling during the too warm afternoon than I wished for. I actully missed another couple of turns later on too, so I must have been very unfocussed. The day included going over the Mississippi river and into Illinois. I arrived in Chester late afternoon, and after an hour at the library I went to a place that is listed as a bicyclist camping. It was really just a shed without windows with six bunk beds in it, and hadn't it been so late, and hadn't I been so hungry and tired, I probably would have searched for a hotel. But it turned out to be a good stay. After a shower and a REALLY good meal (fried chicken - hey, am I in Kentucky already?? - mashed potatoes and some thick gravy) and some exchanging of information with the other three bicyclists staying there, I went to bed and had a really good nights sleep.
Friday July 30th
Got a really early start - I cycled off while it was still dark outside - but I went only to Carbondale, some 45 miles away. I had breakfast at the MacDonalds in Murphysboro, while my mp3 player was charged at the library. When I got to Carbondale, I did some shopping. I got some dog mace (other cyclists say that the Kentucky dogs are aggressive), a VERY bright yellow cyclist's t-shirt (other cyclists say that the Kentucky drivers are aggressive but now they at least will see me) and I replaced my broken bicycle mirror with a new one (so that I will see them too). Furthermore, I got plenty of different type of cereals, because Allison said I should try them (more about this later) and some Swedish meatballs (more about this later too). I stayed at a Choice hotel, which was overpriced and had pretty lousy staff (Im sorry, I cannot help you, I only work here), but I slept quite well anyway.
Saturday July 31st
After a lousy breakfast at the lousy hotel, and a somewhat late start, I still got a really good cycling day, hitting 100 miles. I had chosen a shortcut on the Interstate which had really broad shoulders, which I enjoyed very much. The route took me over the Ohio river and into Kentucky. I arrived at the Baptist Church in Sebree around seven, where I had just enought time to take a quick shower before dinner was served at pastor Bob's and his wife Violet's house. This was the best meal during my whole trip! Chicken, potatoes, plenty of veggies, home made bread, and then some cake and homemade ice cream... I was in heaven, and so were the other two bicyclists visiting.
Sunday August 1st
I had a resting day in Sebree. I got up around nine and made myself ready for church. I really enjoyed listening to Bob. After church, I was invited to lunch: last night's left overs. I was HAPPY. Then Violet suggested I'd watch a movie and relax, and so I picked out Titanic (I had actually never seen it before) and while I was watching, two other bicyclists arrived (first Terry, and then Tom - I had met both earlier this week in Eminence). Terry was exhausted and went to bed almost immediately, but Tom and I went to a picknick organized by Bob and Violet and the other Church members. Even more great food!! Hamburgers, sausages, veggies... I might have actually gained a pound or two during my stay here...

Had my first resting day in many weeks at a B&B in Eminence. I finally managed to get some time to read a couple of articles for work + I planned parts of a course that'll start just a week after me returning to Sweden. I kind of miss working. I need to write that here, in case I forget later this fall (I might) :-)
Tuesday July 27:th
Got a late start due to nice company at breakfast, and I didn't cycle very far this day. After less than 30 miles I arrived in Ellington where I saw a sign saying "EU bicyclists Willkommen" and I thought, I am from an EU country and I am a bicyclist so I called and got directions to Herman the German, a man with strong religious beliefs and ideas which he gladly shared with me. I had a shower, a bacon omelet that actually was really good (actually since I was the one making it), and got to use a computer too and then I got to bed really early.
Wednesday July 28:th
Got going before 6 am and had a great day. Cycled 65+ miles to Farmington, where I spent the night in a bicyclist's hostel that used to be a jail. VERY nice place, beautifully decorated. I had just had a shower and done my laundry when another bicyclist came in. We went for a pizza later and did some grocery shopping. It was really nice to have some company. I don't regret going solo on this trip (not that there ever was much choice), but some days can certainly feel lonesome.
Thursday July 29:th
I left Farmington around eight, which is OK, but since I missed a turn and went 10 miles south rather than east (hitchhiked back) I had to do a little bit more cycling during the too warm afternoon than I wished for. I actully missed another couple of turns later on too, so I must have been very unfocussed. The day included going over the Mississippi river and into Illinois. I arrived in Chester late afternoon, and after an hour at the library I went to a place that is listed as a bicyclist camping. It was really just a shed without windows with six bunk beds in it, and hadn't it been so late, and hadn't I been so hungry and tired, I probably would have searched for a hotel. But it turned out to be a good stay. After a shower and a REALLY good meal (fried chicken - hey, am I in Kentucky already?? - mashed potatoes and some thick gravy) and some exchanging of information with the other three bicyclists staying there, I went to bed and had a really good nights sleep.
Friday July 30th
Got a really early start - I cycled off while it was still dark outside - but I went only to Carbondale, some 45 miles away. I had breakfast at the MacDonalds in Murphysboro, while my mp3 player was charged at the library. When I got to Carbondale, I did some shopping. I got some dog mace (other cyclists say that the Kentucky dogs are aggressive), a VERY bright yellow cyclist's t-shirt (other cyclists say that the Kentucky drivers are aggressive but now they at least will see me) and I replaced my broken bicycle mirror with a new one (so that I will see them too). Furthermore, I got plenty of different type of cereals, because Allison said I should try them (more about this later) and some Swedish meatballs (more about this later too). I stayed at a Choice hotel, which was overpriced and had pretty lousy staff (Im sorry, I cannot help you, I only work here), but I slept quite well anyway.
Saturday July 31st
After a lousy breakfast at the lousy hotel, and a somewhat late start, I still got a really good cycling day, hitting 100 miles. I had chosen a shortcut on the Interstate which had really broad shoulders, which I enjoyed very much. The route took me over the Ohio river and into Kentucky. I arrived at the Baptist Church in Sebree around seven, where I had just enought time to take a quick shower before dinner was served at pastor Bob's and his wife Violet's house. This was the best meal during my whole trip! Chicken, potatoes, plenty of veggies, home made bread, and then some cake and homemade ice cream... I was in heaven, and so were the other two bicyclists visiting.
Sunday August 1st
I had a resting day in Sebree. I got up around nine and made myself ready for church. I really enjoyed listening to Bob. After church, I was invited to lunch: last night's left overs. I was HAPPY. Then Violet suggested I'd watch a movie and relax, and so I picked out Titanic (I had actually never seen it before) and while I was watching, two other bicyclists arrived (first Terry, and then Tom - I had met both earlier this week in Eminence). Terry was exhausted and went to bed almost immediately, but Tom and I went to a picknick organized by Bob and Violet and the other Church members. Even more great food!! Hamburgers, sausages, veggies... I might have actually gained a pound or two during my stay here...
2 kommentarer:
Fint att se att du läser jobbartiklar! Guldstjärnor your way!
Det är så fantastiskt intressant att följa dig och din cykling. Väldigt roligt också att så många inlägg är matrelaterade =)
Minns inte om du har skrivit om usa-löpare tidigare, annars är här lite löpinspiration inför varvet (som ju går av stapeln om blott nio månader): http://www.suneson.se/
All lycka och välgång till dig! Hoppas att cykeln håller hela vägen och att du blir bjuden på många fantastiska måltider!
Louise: Dagens frukost bestod av vafflor och maple syrup och ja, den blev jag faktiskt bjuden pa.
Mina stackars benhinnor ar inte alls beredda pa nagon lopning, men a andra sidan ar jag lattare och starkare. Hur kanns det sjalv? Tva timmar eller under?
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