1000 miles
I have had music for most of the time lately which has been good, because even if my body is a bit tired, it makes me feel mentally unbreakable. I am not, of course, but it is a good feeling.
I know I have been complaining. That is because this trip really costs maybe not so much blood, but definitely large quantities of sweat and tears. I cry every day: First of fear for what people warn me about – it is going to be SO steep and there will be SO much traffic (here?? I don’t think so.) and there are absolutely NO shoulders so it is VERY dangerous for you and it is going to be HORRIBLE – and then I cry of relief when it turns out it wasn’t so bad after all. I would also spontaniously start crying because the scenery is just so beautiful or when I see a green summit sign after hours of climbing.
However, I don’t mind this anymore. Everything has become easier to accept and deal with after I had a little talk with myself in Cedar City and reminded myself that these challenging circumstances actually are a big part of the reason for me choosing to be here doing this. So now I just let myself sweat and cry. As long as I make the miles I need to every day, I am happy with myself and my day when I set camp at night.
I will finish this posting with a quote of Renata Chlumska, who cycled and kayakked around the US a few years ago:
“There will be good days, and then there will be bad days, but then there will be good days again…”
Life can be so simple.
10 kommentarer:
Det är helt rätt Monica, efter regn kommer alltid sol!!! Du är min stora idol och vi pratar ofta om dig hemma vid köksbordet - keep up the good work!
Här på institutionen är det också öken för tillfället. Vi är några tappra som är kvar och håller liv i fikarasterna.
Fotbollsnytt: Ghana slog ut USA och just precis nu i skrivande stund så leder Holland över Slovakien med 2-0 i åttondelsfinalen.
En stor kämpa-på-kram
Monica, It sounds like you've made amazing progress, not only in miles but in your mental state as well. I suspect most of us could do with a lot more crying - both over the bad spots in the road and the beautiful. What a wonderful experience you're having.
Big hugs.
It was great to meet you (coming off of Pinto Summit, just east of Eureka, Nevada). I was the guy on a small wheeled bike and bright yellow jersey. I just finished my bike trip from Tucson, Arizona to Corvallis, Oregon yesterday. It went very well and I'm enjoying the memories.
The difficulties of your adventure notwithstanding, it is an inspiration to all of us. You're probably not aware of it, but among other long distance cyclists I passed, who are both in front of you and behind you, you're the talk of the road. I hope you'll continue on and I look forward to reading your updates.
All the best,
David Omick
Snart är det Colorado! Vackraste i hela landet! Pedal damn it!
David: The talk of the road, huh? I don't quite believe it, but it made me happy anyway. Thanx David. Hope to hear from you again. I would like to know more about your other adventures. Going through the desert, I have had intensive thoughts about Greenland. Would some cross country skiing be of your taste, perhaps?
Malin: Tank att jag ska behova vanta pa kommentarer fran sverige for att fa information om att usa suger i fotboll (eller ar det ghana som ar bra?)! Jag borde kanske lasa en dagstidning eller kolla pa tv-nyheterna nan gang...
Jag håller med allt som Malin skrev! Kämpa på och besegra det svåra. Det är väl det hela utmaningen går ut på – att veta att man klarat det? Och det gör du absolut. Dina bloggar är i alla händelser en stor del av våra samtal på institutionen, och vi är djupt imponerade, så håll fanan högt!
Stora kramar från mig med, som snart beger mig på bekvämcykling i Italien. Har nu inköpt ett par vadderade cykelhandskar. Fanns ca 30 att välja på. Snacka om materialsport. Överträffas endast av längdskidor.
Vad gäller fotbollen är det nu uppehåll ett par dagar inför kvartsfinalerna, så vi går oroligt och vankar hemma på kvällarna utan att kunna ta oss för något vettigt. Paraguay besegrade Japan på straffar och japanerna grät bittert. De kan gråta minsann! Både publik och spelare stortjöt. Härligt att se!
Argentina piskade Mexico och Spanien lyckades till slut slå in ett mål mot Portugal vars lagkapten Ronaldo vägrade prata med pressen efteråt. Han borde gå på gråtkurs hos japanerna och befria sitt inre!
Nu väntar SAOL och alla sammansättningarna som ska gås igenom.
Kram igen!
You should believe you're the talk of the road. I first heard of your adventure from a cyclist I passed way back in Utah! And many others after that. (Since I was going west and most cyclists were going east, I met just about all of them.)
I hope you're adjusting to the hot weather. Early in my trip, when temps were often around 100F, I usually got up around 4:30AM to beat the heat. I also found that filling my Camelback with ice and water at convenience stores was wonderful. It kept my back cool and drinking the icewater cooled me on the inside.
You're well on the way to the mid-west where towns are much closer together and high mountain passes will be just a memory.
Greenland? I'd love to see it!
Nu är det bara två tappra själar kvar här på institutionen. Vetskapen om din fantastiskt spännande resa sprids nu som ringar på vattnet. Informatören på fakulteten har just nu skrivit om ditt äventyr på hemsidan.
Lycka till och ha en fortsatt bra resa!
Häftiga människa! Du skriver ju så att JAG blir sugen på att cykla över en kontinent...jag som inte ens kan svänga utan att köra i diket :P. Jag får försöka hitta min egen form av Det Stora Äventyret. Blir nästan lite avundsjuk på att "få" gråta varje dag...det låter underbart att bli så god vän med sig själv, på nåt sätt. Stora styrkekramar och heja heja heja dig!!
You're making impressive progress! Good to hear that you're enjoying the Missouri hills, though having spent early childhood in the midwest, I don't envy the hot, muggy summer weather you must be pedaling through.
As to your question about hunting skills, mine are a bit rusty, but a charging polar bear would bring them back in a hurry.
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