Up's and down's
There has been bike problems (brakes and rear wheel) which has made it risky going down hill at high speed and this has slowed me down. The heat is killing me. It has been more than 100 degrees lately. I cannot think when it is that warm. I have a rash all over my arms and legs (I thought bug bites, but now I am thinking from the sun). And my lips have been swollen and painful for days since I once - once! - forgot to put sunscreen on them. And head winds - always those head winds!
I miss John. I could sure use some company, and he was such good company. But would I be good company myself?
Peggy is right - keeping the spirit up is one of the most important things while on a project like this, so now that I am having a day off in Cedar City (Yes, I am now in UTAH), I will try to do whatever I can to get that spirit up again!
MUSIC always helps, so I will make sure today that I get a second music device to bring tomorrow when I start doing the second portion of the desert (there are not many opportunities to charge anything here, so you would have music one day and then be without for a day or two...).
If you have any one number in particular that helps you run that last mile or do another ten sit ups - could you please send it to me? (So, not a whole album, just that one magic song that makes you go a little bit further... - because I always need to go a little bit further...)
17 kommentarer:
We've never met (John is the son of a friend of mine from 30 years ago!), but I wish you well on your quest.
I live in New Hampshire, and have long dreamed about making the ride you are on. I enjoy reading your reports, and wish you the best of luck on the miles and days to come! May you be blessed with smooth roads, friendly faces, and good weather as cross the USA.
"Tuffaste bruden i världen, jag är SÅ imponerad av dig!" Har ingen musik att skicka men tänkte att du kan ha de orden ringande i öronen, de kanske hjälper i några minuter iaf? Stora kramar och HEJA!!!
My only experience in physical activities in hot environment is not about biking, but marching. Blue beret, flak jacket, my trusty ol' "Swedish K" SMG and lots of water. Never mind the body armor and the gun - but lots of water and something to cover your head is essential. Soldiers don't have Ipods - they sing! Perhaps you want to save your last breath for the pedaling, but keep in mind that for centuries soldiers have known the boost of morale when singing. Shout out loud!
You know, I do not sing in public, but while riding MY bike (OK, there is 855cc of british metal doing the pedaling! ;) ) there is one h*ll of a howling going on inside the helmet. For some reason I always choose AC/DC... :)
Midsummer's night tomorrow. One more week, then I'll hit the roads.
Ride safe!
Monica, you sound like you need a hug or two so here they are: HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUG-HUGGGGGGG...We follow your every step and word very eagerly. But my personal opinion is that you could actually convert this bike ride which apparently isn't doing much for your moral, into something rather more pleasant, like a) selling the bike and buying an Amtrak-ticket across the U.S. and actually stop for sightseeing, making this trip something that you actually enjoy! b) selling the bike and taking the first plane back home to enjoy the wonderful Swedish summer and cuddle up with Torsten c) selling the bike, take a plane to New York and hit Saks on Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdales full on to do some mood boosting shopping. Continue to Switzerland to the Montreux Jazz Festival and watch Norah Jones, Regina Spector, Mark Knopfler and Quincy Jones.
Or have some pancakes with syrup and a cupcake or two for breakfast at a diner...Lie on your back and watch the clouds. And I've heard that smiling on the most incongruous occasions actually will make you feel happier...it gives you the urge to smile more. After putting some chapstick on your lips of course, I wouldn't want your lips to actually crack up.
B-good and b-have and a final hug.
Every day I cross my fingers for your adventure:)
Du är en riktig tuffing tycker jag. Själv ska jag på bekvämsemester med cykling i Dolomiterna om en vecka – en stilla vindpust i jämförelse med det du gör.
Öknen tar slut! Det är som att rätta en halvmeter skrivningar, det varar inte för evigt, och man får ta en tenta i taget. Snart är man igenom högen! Härda ut och ge inte upp, snart ska du se att det kommer en oväntad kurva eller ett uppfriskande regnväder.
Här har vi midsommarfirande på gång, med sill och snaps. Alltid en liten tradition som finns kvar. Men surströmmingen ska förbjudas har jag hört! Och de 10 vanligaste grillkorvarna är behandlade med flamskyddsmedel. Vart är världen på väg?
Häng i, Monika. Snart är du hemma igen och rättar tentor.
Glad midsommar!
Tack snälla för alla snälla kommentarer! Lägg märke till att jag skriver med fina svenska bokstäver: Jag har precis träffat två stockholmare med svensk dator som jag får låna en stund här på Subway. Jag har precis haft en riktigt bra cykeldag. Cykeln funkar och rullar på bra nu när ventilen på slangen är fixad, och i och med en nyinköpt kylväska har jag fått dricka kallt, eller åtminstone svalt, hela dagen. Dessutom har jag ju nu en extra musikspelare, så jag har lyssnat - och sjungit med - hela dagen.
SÅ, Beata, det blir inget av med någon cykelförsäljning, även om dina olika förslag på många sätt låter lockande. Jag har inte satt mig i någon båt som ska ros i land, men jag har satt mig på en cykel och den ska cyklas över USA. Så är det med det.
Trevlig midsommar och TRAMPA PÅ NU. En stor HEJA från Kärralundsgatan.
Roligt att följa din färd i foton och läsa dina kommentarer. Hoppas du snart är genom öknen och får lite svalka. Idag midsommar har vi haft fint sommarväder (varmast i landet).
Vilket äventyr du är på, det är ett minne för livet.Och något att vara stolt över.
Britt-Marie, Gammelstad
Du är snart i civilisationen igen, you can do it!!!
/Anders Forselius
To fix your lips use Burts Bees Medicated Lip Balm (www.burtsbees.com/natural-products/lips-lip-care/medicated-lip-balm.html)
To keep them fixed use Burts Bees Lifeguard's Choice Lip Balm (www.burtsbees.com/natural-products/lips-lip-care/lifeguard-s-choice-lip-balm.html)
You can find them at any Pharmacy (CVS, Walgreens, etc...) or supermarkets like Whole Foods.
Helt galet bra att du kan orka ta dig igenom öknen och ensamheten. Du är ju bara bäst!!!!
Kajaken flyter bra och nu har vi äntligen fått lite värme vi också.
Ta vara på dig!
Kram Christina
Dear Monica,
Hang in there! Some hot weather tricks we have learned through our years of riding in the usually hot central valley of California (today is was 105!):
1. try to keep a wet scarf over your mouth to breathe through...cooler and damper air inhaled is more comfortable
2. a wet scarf or a wet scarf with ice bag around your neck whenever possible
I can totally relate to you lip problem...I did same thing on our trip and it lasted about 3 weeks. Scarf over mouth can help; wear a baseball cap under your helmet to keep sun totally off your face; and I found a product called ABREVA useful for helping to heal the sores (its expensive but worth it...from drug stores)
I like to use Irish/Celtic dance music to compel me in the gym. I can get lost in thinking about dancing....my hour on the elliptical goes by much faster.
AND if the going gets tough...take rest days...and IF you ever think of not finishing your goal...ride THREE MORE DAYS before you act on your ideas. This advice got a friend of mine past her urgent desire to quit a cross country trip when she had already completed 2/3 of the ride!
Be of good cheer...and may the winds one day be at your back!
Thinking of you every day,
Peggy (Davis, CA)
Tried to post a cheering comment last week, but something's amiss with my tech skills. Anyways, I hope you're well on your way again, strengthened by all tips, your cooling bag and some time off the road. Despite reading about your sun burns, I'd like to share this quote with you:
"Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you."
Keep on going, and stay safe! Kram!
Stay strong! You are a strong woman and I know you can do it. You are going through some tough country right now and I cant wait to hear from you. You will absolutely love Colorado. Hang in there.
Take care,
Thanx Peggy for all the advice, I've tried the scarf thing and it was good while it worked, but it went from dripping to dry in a few minutes... I'll be sending you some stuff today, I thought I'd send some money too but there must be a safer way of doing that.
John, I know I can do it too, I just have my weak moments (hours, days, weeks... ;-) ). I read your blog and the info is very useful to me, but I can't understand how you can go so fast! Why not stop and smell the flowers for a while and let me catch up with you.
All: Thanx for commenting. I don't always respond but your words make me very happy anyway, and sometimes they give me something to think about while pedalling the whole day...
Lena: Nagot uppfriskande regnvader kom inte, och bakom alla kurvor uppenbarade sig de mest djavulusiska uppforsbackar. Men: Det ar sant att oknen tar slut och nu har den tagit slut. Den har verkligen tagit slut.
Nu vantar nasta utmaning. Jag tankte ta the rockies ungefar samtidigt som du trampar pa i alperna (borde vara ungefar samma hojd over havet?) :-)
Ann: Jag forstar andemeningen med citatet, men daremot forstar jag inte riktigt poangen med solen. Vill man bli brun finns det ju solarier.
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