500 miles
So I am over the first 500 miles, and a couple of days in to the desert. But is this really a desert? My first day started out with a bit of chilly wind and some hailing - I had to wear jacket and gloves! During my first night it was freezing cold - 33 degrees Fahrenheit (which my sleeping bag isn't really made for, so again: jacket and gloves).
Well, you just never know what to expect.
I wanted to post some pictures from the road, but this hotel computer is just too old to know how to read my camera files. I will post these pictures when I get to Cedar City, which will hopefully be in four days.
Until then: Write many comments! I LOVE to read them! I have understood that summer in Sweden is, well, a bit dissappointing for most of you and that there is some football thing going on that keeps Malin busy. But what are the rest of you doing? Tell me! Also: I think you should help me come up with a cool nick name for my bike. "The Green Machine" is already taken by Peggy in Davis, so we need something else. Something Swedish or Dutch perhaps?
OK so here are the desert pics:

Well, you just never know what to expect.
I wanted to post some pictures from the road, but this hotel computer is just too old to know how to read my camera files. I will post these pictures when I get to Cedar City, which will hopefully be in four days.
Until then: Write many comments! I LOVE to read them! I have understood that summer in Sweden is, well, a bit dissappointing for most of you and that there is some football thing going on that keeps Malin busy. But what are the rest of you doing? Tell me! Also: I think you should help me come up with a cool nick name for my bike. "The Green Machine" is already taken by Peggy in Davis, so we need something else. Something Swedish or Dutch perhaps?
OK so here are the desert pics:
18 kommentarer:
hé monica,
je bent er al een aardig tripje opzitten, gaaf hoor! Hier is de wk gekte compleet losgebarsten dus veel werken op het moment. Maar volgend weekend lekker naar engeland voor een concert van Pink ;-)
Heel veel succes en ik hou je blog in de gaten!
Grtz Leoniek
PS. Geen van m'n facebook vrienden woont langs je route. De dichtsbijzijnde woont 300 km verder, leek me iets te ver om op je fiets!
oh en als naam:
-Het groene monster
-De groene draeck #2 (#1 is de boot van onze koningin ;-)
-Little green bike (maar dan moet je wel speakers op je fiets maken waar 24/7 George Baker met Little green bag uit klinkt ;-)
En toen was de inspiratie op...
Naming vehicles is always fun. Some suggestions:
- Herr Gurka
- Herr Gurkas Bror
- Gabriel Gräslök
- Oliven
- Paddan
- Monicas Moniker
- Ebba Grön
- Koppermärra
Every vehicle should have a proper name. Without a name, it is just a soulless piece of machinery, and those tend to fail and let you down.
The first scandinavian name that comes to my mind is "Sleipner", but I think that one is a wee bit to obvious. I would suggest "Svadilfare".
Svadilfare was the father of Sleipner, and his very name mean "He who take on a strenous journey".
So far the swedish summer suck big time...
I couldn't care less about the soccer championship and the fact our princess Victoria is getting married today. I went to the Metaltown festival yesterday, and is still shellshocked by Rammstein! :)
Ride safe!
Glad to hear you are still truckin' Monica! Youre doing great keep it up. When you get to Baker make sure you eat at the cafe. The woman who runs it will let you camp there if you do. Also in Panguitch Utah you can camp for free at the Bryce Canyon Motel, just ask for Sean. Good Luck and safe travels!
Hi Monica,
First of all: I thought that it was a well known fact that deserts can be extremely cold att night ... so keep on freezing.
Second: nothing dissapointing about the Swedish summer in Lilla Laggåsen until now, it started when the last snow was gone and since that moment we have had at least 75% warm and sunny weather.
A name for the bike? I don't know. Is it important to you?
Enjoy the journey!
Vad vi gör? Ser på TV såklart:-) Victoria har nu fått sin Daniel och detta har man kunnat följa under veckan och hela bröllopsdagen. Trogen monarkist som jag är så har vi flaggat, skålat med cider och smaskat på bakelser:-). Ska i veckan lämna över Torsten till Ola då vi åker söderut. Han har det jättebra och har än så länge klarat sig från påhopp av Sixten.
Hoppas nu att den här sträckan gått bra och att du inte frusit (stekts?) allt för mycket. Kram från Anna
Hi Monica...I WISH I were writing from Sweden but we are still back here in Davis, CA remembering our lovely, though short, visit with you. I tried to comment earlier but somehow failed...so perhaps I will succeed now!
I hope the desert treats you well...it has its own beauty if the heat doesn't get to you. Remember that a good part of success is keeping your spirits up and your thoughts positive.
We are riding a lot on our "green machine" since our summer so far is proving cooler than usual. We rode the American River Bike trail last weekend and this weekend we headed our to Winters today. Yesterday we enjoyed a canoe trip on Putah Creek (the stream you rode along coming toward Davis from Winters.)
Our evening are filled with watching the World Cup games we have taped during the days....and watching tapes of the Tour of Switzerland. Be glad you only have the Rockies and not those Swiss roads the hot-shot speed cylists take.
May the roads be safe and the winds at your back.
Good to hear that you are alive and tramping. The weather has turned to the better today and it's great. Last day at the departement for me before vacation, I think. Nick for the bike has to be pondered...
Have fun!
Hej, Monica!
Jag fick din adress av Doris när hon och Tage var igår på fika. Hela helgen har det regnat men idag måndag är det sol, moln och 15 grader.
Hoppas det går bra för dig på din färd i detta stora land.
Hälsningar från Britt-Marie och Lars-Åke Forsman, Gammelstad, Sweden
Hjulia? Eller Olivia Krutrök?
Sommarn är...ljus, i alla fall. Min arm blir allt bättre för varje vecka. Jag fastnar i meningslös fotbollsmatch efter meningslös fotbollsmatch, och tokgrät mig igenom hela prinsessbröllopet, så antimonarkist jag är (Daniels tal till bruden är årets snackis - makalöst vackert, finns på SVT play om du orkar bry dig :). Och så har det snackats om oljebolaget BPs svenske chef Svanberg som blev uppläxad av Obama och sen försökte säga nåt snällt till de som drabbats av oljeläckan (i mexikanska golfen, hört nåt om den?). Det blev "we care about the small people". Det togs väl inte emot sådär väldigt väl... :)
Hoppas öknen är snäll mot dig och varken steker eller fryser sönder dig, och att "den lille gröne" fortsätter vara stark och snäll. Som Claes sa: smeknamn måste funderas på. Jag antar att den är grön? Benjamin (syrsa) kanske?
Stor kram och lycka till!
Hej Monica!
Hoppas att allt är ok efter några dagars cykling, det börjar väl kännas en del i kroppen....
Kul att se bilder från ditt äventyr och ser fram emot kommande ökenbilder.
Önskar dig en trevlig "midsommar", vi drar till stugan.
Kram M&P
Love your name suggestions!! However, I am still not sure what fits my Surly the best... /M.
Glad midsommar Monkan!
Jag tänkte bara meddela att sen i tisdag har jag en liten hårig inneboende vid Torsten. Han är otroligt kelen och efterhängsen men samtidigt fantastiskt trivsam. Ett litet fel i hans potträning tycks vara att han hellre går i lådan än tömmer sig i naturen. Nåväl på torsdag blir jag förhoppningsvis uppkörd i Älvsbyn men den som överlever får se...
Lev å må å Puss å kram från Ola
Fint att ni kommer overens :-) Jag ska tanka (a med prickar) pa dig pa torsdag! /M.
Hello Monica-
Kevin here...
I am the red-headed cyclist that was returning from Colorado to California via a 4-wheeled truck... We met while you were heading east into Milford Utah and I was concerned that you needed more water to hydrate in the heat and wind.
I have been telling your story to all my cycling friends back here in CA!
Hope your travels are treating you well.
I am back at work wishing I was back on my bike!!
Hey Kevin,
I was sending you many grateful thoughts as I cooked that night and as I was making coffee the morning after... Thanx!! /M.
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