1500 miles
Colorado hasn't so far been anywhere near as dramatic or beautiful as Utah, but the lower temperature makes this place so much more bikeable. Just a couple of days away from the unbearable heat of the desert, it started to rain - it was actually pouring down - but the wet and the cold I can deal with. I am used to that from having lived in Gothenburg for nearly 15 years :-)
I am over the Monarch Pass. No biggie. The climb took long but was very nice, nothing like the climbs in Utah. I could cycle all the way up, which felt good (esp with all the cheering motor cyclists - I'm such a sucker for attention! :-) ). However, it was the highest summit to get passed on this bicycle tour across the States (and probably the last until I reach the Appalachians).

Speaking of summits: How would you translate that to Swedish? If one is talking about the summit of a mountain, it would of course be 'topp'. But the summit of a certain route...? I know it can be explained, maybe with "hogsta punkten av..." but is there a good word for it?
And speaking of translations: How would you translate 'bonnbranna'? Again, I know it can be explained, but is there a word? What I am talking about is sun tan on arms and legs (most likely), showing that you have been out working rather than sun bathing at the beach. The Swedish term 'bonnbranna' would directly translate to something like 'farmers tan'.
Anyway. I've got cyclists tan. It looks really weird.
I am over the Monarch Pass. No biggie. The climb took long but was very nice, nothing like the climbs in Utah. I could cycle all the way up, which felt good (esp with all the cheering motor cyclists - I'm such a sucker for attention! :-) ). However, it was the highest summit to get passed on this bicycle tour across the States (and probably the last until I reach the Appalachians).
Speaking of summits: How would you translate that to Swedish? If one is talking about the summit of a mountain, it would of course be 'topp'. But the summit of a certain route...? I know it can be explained, maybe with "hogsta punkten av..." but is there a good word for it?
And speaking of translations: How would you translate 'bonnbranna'? Again, I know it can be explained, but is there a word? What I am talking about is sun tan on arms and legs (most likely), showing that you have been out working rather than sun bathing at the beach. The Swedish term 'bonnbranna' would directly translate to something like 'farmers tan'.
Anyway. I've got cyclists tan. It looks really weird.
5 kommentarer:
Hej Monica!
Tusen tack för de fantastiska blommorna, nallen och chokladen. Jag blev jätteglad. Din syster kom förbi igår eftermiddag och hämtade upp din underbara katt, så nu har han återbörats till Bergnäset. Han är måttligt förtjust i lyftas in den lilla buren men han finner sig ändock i sin prekära situation med ett stoiskt lugn.
Många av mina bekanta är mäkta imponerade av hur cyclonen Monica drar fram över den amerikanska kontinenten.
Lycka till på färden å ha det jättebäst!
Solglada kramar från Ola
"Ain't no mountain high enough ..." :) Heja dig!
Jag skulle föreslå "krön" för "summit", det finns ju både "backkrön" och "bergskrön" beroende på lutning ... och för "bonnabränna" funkar det nog med "redneck tan" eller "hillbilly tan" :)
Ha det jättebra och cykla försiktigt! Kram!
Skulle du saga att 'bergskronet' ar detsamma som "the highest point of a road or a railroad"?
"redneck tan" kanns bra for mig, ska hora med kvallens host om han tycker att jag har det :-)
We call it a farmers tan in the US. I've also heard golfers tan.
What did you end up naming your bike?!
No name yet, but at least an epithet...
Going over the Lizard head pass and then the Monarch Pass in the Rockies, I kept thinking about a quote someone had written on the mirror of in the bathroom in the dorm I once stayed in:
"I am the Lizard King
I can do anything"
However, my Surly isn't quite as quick as those little lizards I see plenty of here. She's more like a mule actually. And when the hooks of the front panniers gave up I had good help of a real mule packer to attach them to the bike again, so... maybe we should look in that direction for a name?
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