2000 miles
It is with mixed feelings I realize I am more than half way across the US. On the one hand, I want to reach my goal (that's kind of what goals are for...), on the other hand, I don't want this holiday to end. Ever.
Life is so good right now.
Kansas might be a bit dull looking with all its corn fields. It is all flat and you can see for miles in any directions - but all you see is more flat and more fields with corn. However, flat equals nice and easy bicycling. I can all of a sudden make 70-80 miles a day and still arrive where I want to stay the night during early afternoon.
There has been a couple of days with extreme moist heat (yep, over 100 degrees again...), but last night there was a heavy thunderstorm and lots of rain that cleared the air so that we could all breath again this morning. There were clouds too, all day today. Breathable air AND clouds, it's almost too much.
There are quite a few things I enjoy about being here. I thought I'd publish a LIST, that would explain why I would like this holiday to go on for not just another few weeks but maybe for another few years. But, then I couldn't stop myself from organizing the list and ended up with lists instead.
List of good FOOD:
1. Big waffles with maple syrup
2. Small waffles with maple syrup
3. Big pancakes with maple syrup
4. Small pancakes with maple syrup
5. Maple syrup on a spoon
6. Maple syrup on my fingers (might actually be no 1, when not mixed with alcogel or sun screen)
7. Maple syrup straight out of the bottle (OK, I haven't tried it yet, but I am looking forward to it)
And then there is food that lacks maple syrup, but some of it is good anyway:
8. BLT sandwiches (BaconLettuceTomato - they always come grilled with mustard and mayonnaise and are great! Rustys wife, Sheri (?) made me the first and the best in California, but the ones you can get at Subway are also quite edible)
9. Hamburgers from other places than fast food places
10. Salted red skin peanuts (to make you drink more and you always need to drink more!)
List of good DRINKS:
1. Red Bull (I had no idea it tasted so good - stupid commercials made me NOT try it before...)
2. Anything from my cooler on a too warm day (but especially raspberry yoghurt)
3. Milkshakes (for some reason I had never had one until this trip)
4. Dubble espressos with just a little bit of latte milk - if you order this in the States, you get a standard Swedish coffee (with milk), which is great!
5. Coke - I know I can have it in Sweden too, but on a bicycle tour it is guilt free, as John would have put it. And so I can drink a lot of it.
There are more things I enjoy. I'll make a non food/drink positive list for the next posting.
But food is goooood, especially when you can stuff your face with it and still loose weight. My long lost ribs are starting to show again. (Well, at least when I am lifting my arms over my head, holding my breath at the same time - which I gladly do when given some privacy and a mirror.) I haven't seen those ribs since my veggie days, and they sure are welcome back.

Life is so good right now.
Kansas might be a bit dull looking with all its corn fields. It is all flat and you can see for miles in any directions - but all you see is more flat and more fields with corn. However, flat equals nice and easy bicycling. I can all of a sudden make 70-80 miles a day and still arrive where I want to stay the night during early afternoon.
There has been a couple of days with extreme moist heat (yep, over 100 degrees again...), but last night there was a heavy thunderstorm and lots of rain that cleared the air so that we could all breath again this morning. There were clouds too, all day today. Breathable air AND clouds, it's almost too much.
There are quite a few things I enjoy about being here. I thought I'd publish a LIST, that would explain why I would like this holiday to go on for not just another few weeks but maybe for another few years. But, then I couldn't stop myself from organizing the list and ended up with lists instead.
List of good FOOD:
1. Big waffles with maple syrup
2. Small waffles with maple syrup
3. Big pancakes with maple syrup
4. Small pancakes with maple syrup
5. Maple syrup on a spoon
6. Maple syrup on my fingers (might actually be no 1, when not mixed with alcogel or sun screen)
7. Maple syrup straight out of the bottle (OK, I haven't tried it yet, but I am looking forward to it)
And then there is food that lacks maple syrup, but some of it is good anyway:
8. BLT sandwiches (BaconLettuceTomato - they always come grilled with mustard and mayonnaise and are great! Rustys wife, Sheri (?) made me the first and the best in California, but the ones you can get at Subway are also quite edible)
9. Hamburgers from other places than fast food places
10. Salted red skin peanuts (to make you drink more and you always need to drink more!)
List of good DRINKS:
1. Red Bull (I had no idea it tasted so good - stupid commercials made me NOT try it before...)
2. Anything from my cooler on a too warm day (but especially raspberry yoghurt)
3. Milkshakes (for some reason I had never had one until this trip)
4. Dubble espressos with just a little bit of latte milk - if you order this in the States, you get a standard Swedish coffee (with milk), which is great!
5. Coke - I know I can have it in Sweden too, but on a bicycle tour it is guilt free, as John would have put it. And so I can drink a lot of it.
There are more things I enjoy. I'll make a non food/drink positive list for the next posting.
But food is goooood, especially when you can stuff your face with it and still loose weight. My long lost ribs are starting to show again. (Well, at least when I am lifting my arms over my head, holding my breath at the same time - which I gladly do when given some privacy and a mirror.) I haven't seen those ribs since my veggie days, and they sure are welcome back.
7 kommentarer:
Glad you are enjoying your journey.
Since you like maple syrup so much, try it on cornbread with a tad bit of butter.... delicious!!
Be safe!
Angie (california)
Eating across the U.S.
Under min några få dagar korta vistelse i Kalifornien hann jag med att käka för ett helt år! Gott och mycket! Att cykla är nog det optimala sättet att färdas i U.S., för att kunna förbränna allt det man får tillfälle att stoppa i sig.
Jag vet inte om du har märkt det än - men jänkarna KAN brygga öl! Det är inte bara Bud och Coors, ojojoj vilka fina brygder de gör på sina håll! Mill Creek från Kansas City och en rejäl köttbit...
Jag är f.ö. en smula nyfiken på vad det är för en vinthund till Monica vi kommer att få tillbaks till ol' Sweden nu i höst... :)
Great to hear of your progress and even better, your good spirits. I share your fondness for waffles and pancakes. The high point of my day when touring is often when I'm sipping that first cup of coffee and anticipating the pancakes I've just ordered.
I just put up my trip journal and there's a picture of you between Eureka and Ely, NV.
Here's the link: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/circusbear2010
Happy pedaling,
Angie: Corn bread with butter and maple syrup - I will try it when given the opportunity! Any other cyclist coming in to your shop asking for directions, or was it only me who couldnt read the map the first day? :-) (I am doing better now...!!)
Patrik: I will make sure I have a Mill Creek tonight! This is my first day off (It's so weird to have "days off" when you're already on a holiday, but you do) in three weeks, so I can easily fit a beer in my schedule tonight :-)
David: I am still thinking about Greenland. How are your hunting skills?
MAT! Lite grejer du måste testa när du är där borta.
Allt gåatt hitta i en bra supermarket. Be någon på affären att hjälpa dig, så hittar du allt
De här är inte bara rekommendationer, detta är en att-göra-lista.
Fig Newtons- (Perfekt cykelsnacks!)
Reeces pieces (Perfekt cykelsnacks!)
Cliff Bars (Perfekt cykelsnacks!)
Pepperidge Farns Goldfish crackers
Stonyfield Frams Mint Chocolate chip frozen yogurt
Coffe cake- 'toppytan' ska vara lika tjock som kakan själv.
Persikor -de är ju bättre där borta. Gärna från Georgia.
Det går faktiskt att få tag i riktig Maple Syrup här. ICA Maxi på Mölndalvägen har Camp på hyllan- från Kanada. Den Krogers varianten på bilden är ren kass förresten. Maple Syrup måste vara i en glasflaska med skruvkork i plåt (aldrig plast), måste kommer ifrån New England eller Kanada och det måste står 100% Pure Maple Syrup på flaskan.
Ha det så gott! Pedal damn it!
Leo: JA! En uppgift! En att-gora-lista och en shopping-lista i ett! Jag har pedalat pa ratt bra hela morgonen (frukost: fyra pannkakor och en halv plastkorksflaska fake-syrup) och nu nar jag har spannande shopping att se fram emot gar det kanske fortsatt snabbt. Jag maste bara ladda mp3-spelaren har pa Hesstons bibliotek.
En shoppingrelaterad fraga: Ar det sant att det inte saljs ogonbrynsfarg i USA? Jag stod haromveckan med mina solblekta (nastintill albinovita) ogonbryn framfor en Walmart-personal och bad om nagot att farga ogonbrynen med och hon ger mig harblekningsmedel (min engelska ar kanske inte sa bra som jag vill tro, men jag PEKADE faktiskt pa de nastan osynliga ogonbrynen ocksa varfor behovet borde ha varit tydligt for alla vakna seende). Och sedan far jag veta att av de miljontals produkter Walmart saljer ar inte en enda till for att farga ogonbrynen.
Kan inte påstå att ogonbrynen är min spetskunskap, men min lilla fru hittade detta:
"The Food and Drug Administration today reissued its long-standing warning against "permanent" eyebrow and eyelash dyeing. The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 prohibits the marketing of hair dyes for eyelash and eyebrow tinting or dyeing because this practice has been known to cause severe eye injuries and even blindness.
These dyes should not be confused with temporary coloring products used around the eyes - such as mascara, eye shadow, eyebrow pencils and eye liners - which can be used safely."
Det betyder nog att man använder hårfärg, trotts att det inte är OK at skriva så på paketet.
Jag tittade på Americas Next Top Model häromdagen och det verkade vara väldigt coolt att ha albinovit ogonbryn så jag skulle nog låt de vara så. Ganska osannolikt att du cyklar på Tyra Banks i Nebraska, men vem vet?
//Fam Werberg
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