So long Kentucky, howdy Virginia
Yesterday, I crossed the border to Virginia, which is a state that has a coast line to the Atlantic! I realize of course that it is all in my imagination, but I can smell the ocean...
I have mixed feelings about the fact that this trip is coming to an end. On the one hand, I would like it to go on forever. Honestly. Being on the road is just sooo goood.
On the other hand, there are a few things I miss, like working (yes, I know I have mentioned this before), especially the (too tiny) part that lets me read and learn and think. I miss having my own computer, and the possibility of charging my mp3-players whenever I feel like it. I also miss being able to go to a (clean) restroom whenever I need to, plus a million silly little superficial things, like perfume, wearing jeans, doing my nails, coloring my eye brows (they don't do that here, can you believe it!), and I am looking forward to getting a pedicure at Jasnas' at Valhallabadet (she's the best). I also look forward to not having any itchy mosquito bites on my legs, not being dirty and sweaty and smelly, not wearing a bandana and a helmet.
Also, I am certainly looking forward to this falls long walks in Skatas, drinking Swedish coffee and eating Swedish sandwiches made of Swedish bread and Swedish cheese. And Ramlosa Mango! I'd pay 10 dollars anytime for just half a can.
I am now going southwards, almost all the way to Tennessee, which feels just wrong, since I am mentally heading towards Washington DC, which is up north. But apparently this is the easiest/safest/most beautiful route over the Appalachians. The mountains here are actually a little bit exhausting. I am fine while cycling (read: walking and dragging the bike), but as soon as I lay down I fall asleep. I would fall asleep right here and now at the library if I thought that was socially acceptable.
Yesterday was a very long day - I didn't make it to the Interstate camping site until after sunset - and today's route has been rather strenous at times. I have another 6 miles to go today, over a couple of hills. Apparently there is a church in Rosedale which is held open for bicyclists. I am looking forward to lying down. I hope they have a shower too.

I have mixed feelings about the fact that this trip is coming to an end. On the one hand, I would like it to go on forever. Honestly. Being on the road is just sooo goood.
On the other hand, there are a few things I miss, like working (yes, I know I have mentioned this before), especially the (too tiny) part that lets me read and learn and think. I miss having my own computer, and the possibility of charging my mp3-players whenever I feel like it. I also miss being able to go to a (clean) restroom whenever I need to, plus a million silly little superficial things, like perfume, wearing jeans, doing my nails, coloring my eye brows (they don't do that here, can you believe it!), and I am looking forward to getting a pedicure at Jasnas' at Valhallabadet (she's the best). I also look forward to not having any itchy mosquito bites on my legs, not being dirty and sweaty and smelly, not wearing a bandana and a helmet.
Also, I am certainly looking forward to this falls long walks in Skatas, drinking Swedish coffee and eating Swedish sandwiches made of Swedish bread and Swedish cheese. And Ramlosa Mango! I'd pay 10 dollars anytime for just half a can.
I am now going southwards, almost all the way to Tennessee, which feels just wrong, since I am mentally heading towards Washington DC, which is up north. But apparently this is the easiest/safest/most beautiful route over the Appalachians. The mountains here are actually a little bit exhausting. I am fine while cycling (read: walking and dragging the bike), but as soon as I lay down I fall asleep. I would fall asleep right here and now at the library if I thought that was socially acceptable.
Yesterday was a very long day - I didn't make it to the Interstate camping site until after sunset - and today's route has been rather strenous at times. I have another 6 miles to go today, over a couple of hills. Apparently there is a church in Rosedale which is held open for bicyclists. I am looking forward to lying down. I hope they have a shower too.
4 kommentarer:
Virgina är en bra cykelstat. Efter Lexington så kommer en sviinbrant backe men väl där uppe på Blue Ridge så är det otroligt fint. Speciellt tidigt på morgonen.
Johan: Sviiinbranta backar ar bra, for da kan jag promenera och jag gillar att promenera. Var nagonstans ar fotot taget som du har pa din profil? Det ser kallt och snoigt och intressant ut.
Kan tanka mig att det inte blir så glamouröst där ute på vägarna... Vi får ta en spadag och återställa lite av ordningen när du är hemma igen! :)
Tack för att du tänkte på mig på födelsedagen! Kram!
You are doing awesome!
I hope you stay at Alexander house hostel while you are there in Charlottesville. The ride to New York has been a little rough.
I'll be back in DC on the 17th, taking a bus back, and leaving on the 18th in the afternoon for home. Maybe I will see you there!
Enjoy your adventure.
Take care,
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